Looking for Lighting feedback

bang guy

Hi all,
I'm finally getting a canopy for my current reef tank, only took 4 years :rolleyes:
In the process I will be adding lights and I would appreciate any comments.
I plan on retrofitting 3 250 watt MH lamps with Spider reflectors and three seperate electronic ballasts. I looked at HQI ballasts but I have a feeling they shorten the lifespan of non-HQI lamps.
For bulbs I am considering either the Hamilton 14,000K or the XM 10,000K. I think I'm sold on the XM though.
I would have to remove 3 VHO bulbs to make space and I would use SuperActinics on the remaining 3.
Any comments? Suggestions?
155 bowfront
3 250 watt 10,000K MH
2 160 watt VHO Actinics + 1 110 watt VHO Actinic (for the bow)
Thank you!


Active Member
Sounds sweet to me. I also decided to go with the 10k XM's but 400w. Hope they meet the performance the 250w do.


I'm running 3 250w w/spider reflectors on mine and use the 14K venture light bulbs with no actinics and have had no problems and excellent coral growth. Especially my clams.


Active Member
Bang why don't you want HQI's, or radiums with electronic ballast? I have read good things about them.


Active Member
Sounds like a nice upgrade! I have heard good things about the XM bulbs. Just a thought - you may want to at least consider the PFO standard ballast. The electronic ballast are supposed to under drive the bulbs a bit which saves a little money but being a SPS nut I would rather pay a little more on the electric bill and get more out of the bulb. If you are planning a mixed tank that may not matter to you but if you are planning a lot of sps that may be a consideration? Not sure if this info will help but I really like my dual 250w PFO standard ballast which I have run for 1 year and I am just about to change my 10K Ushios at the 1 year mark. I also really like my 250w HQI PFO mini pendant. It has a double ended HQI 10K Ushio and it seems atleast as bright as 400w standard bulb and the DE bulbs and is supposed to last longer. Whatever you decide good luck with the upgrade!
Not to interrupt your thread, but I have a question about your canopy, b/c I am considering upgrading lights and a canopy as well, except a much smaller tank. I was wondering if you are going to have anything to cover your halide bulb? I am thinking 1x250w mh and I dont want it to get wet and crack.


Active Member
Bang Guy,
I like Kip's suggestion of double ended HQI bulbs if you have enough room to hang pendants in your canopy.
How is your new canopy going to be constructed?

bang guy

About the DE HQIs - The Pendants are not cheap and I just need reflectors. Is there anything like a Spider for DEs?
i AM RUNNING THE 250 XM 10000k's and I am happy with them. The color is phenomenal compared to the Iwasaki's tht I had and my corals and anenome's are happy too.
Midwest reefer... the glass around a MH bulb is tempered I believe. I regularly splash mine inadvertently and have never had one break.

nm reef

Active Member
Everybody raves about the DE 250w HQIs...I considered them but couldn't really convince myself to go that route. I decided on a basic dual PFO 250 running a pair of Iwasakis... I like the simplicity of the set-up and the total package was only $450ish...I'll run a pair of 110 watt URI super actinics as suppliments...whatever you decide on I'm sure you'll like the improvement.
I plan on retrofitting 3 250 watt MH lamps with Spider reflectors and three seperate electronic ballasts.
The same place I purchased mine from can provide a dual 250 PFO with bulbs/reflector/wiring harness/socket/mounting bracket for around $450...plus a single 250 PFO set up the same way for around $260...

bang guy

I recently saw a chart of the inpot watts to the PFO HQI ballast and it varied from 315 as a low to 418 as the high.
I still like the idea of a bulb lasting 2 years though :D hmmmmm that's a pretty good long term savings if I'm keeping 3 bulbs.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
I still like the idea of a bulb lasting 2 years though

This is the first time I've read they will last for 2-years??? that could be a great advantage.


I have read the 250 watt HQI draws more then the 400 watt HQI at startup.
I've never seen the XM's, if your running VHO's then I'd go with 10K's. The CoralVue's are a "no go" right now. Both me and Chris are having problems with the 20K's and the 10K's are getting bad reviews from a lot of the sps guys.



Originally posted by ReefNut
This is the first time I've read they will last for 2-years??? that could be a great advantage.

I ran 2x250 watt DE bullbs on my old 150 for about 18 months. I swapped out the bulbs after 16 months, you couldn't tell the new from the old. It wouldn't shock me one bit to see them go 24 months.
Back when I ran them there were only two bulb choices worth trying. The 10K Ushio and the 10K AB, both looked the exact same, butt ugly yellow.

bang guy


Originally posted by bigmac
I have read the 250 watt HQI draws more then the 400 watt HQI at startup.

Duh!!! I'm so ignorant sometimes. Thank you Mark for reminding me about startup power vs operating power :rolleyes: I needed that!
So, two years for DE is a really big plus. I read about a HIT 14,000K DE, anyone have any experience?


I've never seen any other DE's except for the 10K's. Of course as soon as I dump em they come out with all kinds of flavors. I have read that AB has a new 20K bulb (Premium Aquatics) that is just awesome. If I had the cash laying around I'd swap back to the DE's and try out this new AB bulb.
Since your going to run the VHO's you should be happy with the 10K's.
BTW, I think the startup draw of one of the 250 watt HQI ballast is like 4 amps. I know is way out there, supposed to be more then the 400 HQI.

bang guy

Holy circuit busters MacMan - Thanks... sounds like they will each have their own timer!
Back when I had MH we all used 5500K :rolleyes: and I think the ballasts put out more heat than the bulbs!
OK.. back to doing more research about pendants.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Holy circuit busters MacMan - Thanks... sounds like they will each have their own timer!

:D I fried a couple timers trying to startup my dual ballast at the same time with a power strip plug in to the timer. Your right, they each need their own. They melt like butta
Now ya know why I had 3x20amp curciuts put in my tank roomcloset. I was thinking about hooking up a small generator to my electic meter, it spins fast enough.
You might want to check out the pendants from Sunlight Supply. They look pretty sweet.


Im really curious about the change in spectral output of some of these popular bulbs over time. I've seen all the "new bulb" data, has anyone seen any info on frequency shifts of output over time?