Looking for lights


What kind are you looking for? Power compacts, VHOs, metal halides, or a combo? Also, are you looking to DIY a lot or do you want a complete package?


Active Member
I think MH I am looking for 2 maybe 200 watts. DIY is okay since I am going to have to retro fit the top.


New Member
I'm looking to DIY a MH/VHO light setup for a 180 I'm setting up in a couple weeks. It's not going to be a reef but I want to promote all the growth I can and I might even add some easy to care for corals down the line. The full hood my LFS has is $1100 .. That's a bit too much for my liking so I've been looking into doing it myself. How does this sound: Dual PFO 400 watt MH balast and a IceCap 430 balast. So I'd have two 400 watt MH bulbs and two VHO strip lights. Is this enough? And what kind of VHO lighting do you guys think I should go with?
Also, does anyone know of some good sites I can look at as far as setting up DIY lights goes?