Looking for local hobbyists - Utah


Anyone out there on here from Utah? I'm in Bountiful, have just got into this, and it would be great to connect with a few folks around here.


I was beginning tho think I was going to hear from any one here.
I started my tank on June 20th. I got it for a fathers day gift. I have some pics in the photography thread. I think Its about the middle of page 2 now.
How long are you in?


I also live in Bountiful, and I'm also new to the hobby (about a year and a half).
I'm currently running a 30 gallon freshwater system, but I'm planning to upgrade that to a 55 within the next 6 months and then I will convert the 30 to a saltwater FOWLR.
What kind of system are you running? What local stores are you dealing with?
I'm by no means an expert, but I'm fairly familiar with Salt Lake City area stores and I'm happy to chat!


I'm also from Utah. I live in North Ogden. I started my tank last october. It's a 72 gal bow front. Wow I can't believe it's almost been a year already.


Originally Posted by SLCFish
I also live in Bountiful, and I'm also new to the hobby (about a year and a half).
I'm currently running a 30 gallon freshwater system, but I'm planning to upgrade that to a 55 within the next 6 months and then I will convert the 30 to a saltwater FOWLR.
What kind of system are you running? What local stores are you dealing with?
I'm by no means an expert, but I'm fairly familiar with Salt Lake City area stores and I'm happy to chat!
I just found a list the other day of local stores that is a little longer than I have previously been aware of. You can find it at www.utahreefs.com , the website for the wasatch marine aquarium society.
So far, I usually go to Bird World in NSL, or the Bountiful *****. I have obtained all my fish from these two stores, and all but my cycling damsels have lived.
The Aquarium in Sandy is a very cool store. Fish4U was okay and had a good selection. I also went to the one on 7800 south in West Jordan, Marine World and Pets. They had a few fish I hadn't seen anywhere else. Mark's Arc is more well known for being a chiclid specialist place, but it is a complete pet store, not just a fish store. Aquatic Dreams in Ogden was pretty impressive, but I felt ignored as I looked around.
I am planning on going to the next Wasatch Aq Soc meeting in Sept to see what it is like.
Let me know what you think about any of the places you go, and we can compare notes.
If you go to ***** in Bountiful, Keith is the man to talk to.


The only salt water fish store close enough to me is aquatic dreams. I go there alot so i've made friends with the guys there. They're very cool. Sorry you had a bad experience there cagrn. I'm the type of person that goes somewhere and will just strike up a conversation with anybody about anything. So when I walked in i just started asking questions.
They're going to be moving to layton here pretty soon. It should do better and it's closer to ya'll in Bountiful and SLC. The owners name is Ryan he's a way cool guy. Maybe just try it out again. If you do go again see if Kyle is there. He's an awesome guy and has helped me with my tank completely and answers every question I have. He only works every other week because of some health issues right now. If he's not there then Ryan is just as good. Well I hope this helps let me know if you ever go back.


I plan to go there again, they had some awesome corals. I wasn't going to give up based on the one trip. I go to Layton all the time, so I'll likely visit more when they move there.
Just as a note to all involved in this thread, I went down to Orem today to Aquatica and was very impressed. They had some coral cats and a ramora which I have not seen anywhere else yet. They have 2 absolutely amazing display tanks
- one fresh and one marine. Its worth the drive down. I also went to find " Where's Nemo " in American Fork. The answer to that question is, he closed the store.


Last I knew their new building was supposed to be done the first of September but you know how it goes. They say one thing and it doesn't open for a month or two later. So now they were told it'd be ready the first of October so we'll see what happens. They're having a huge display tank custom built for the new store and everything. The location they are in now kind of sucks and is hard to find if you don't know the area. Just not somewhere you'd expect a lfs to be. Once they move to Layton I'm sure you'll be satisfied.
I've been to bird world in bountiful its a nice place. I didn't end up getting anything there really just went to look. It's a little bit of a drive from North Ogden so I've only really been there once.


Hey I just found this thread. I'm from Provo and I've been into Salt water for about 3.5 years now. I had a 55 setup but I got married/moved so now I only got a 10 gall that I just set up a couple weeks ago. Ya Aquatica is freaking awsome. I like the new location a lot more than the old one. I love to go there and just stare at the display tank he has. He has a lot of good deals here and there.


Sorry bud I haven't been on much do to a recent surgery. Yes Aquatic Dreams is moving to Layton. I heard Dec 1st but don't quote me on that. The buildings completion date keeps getting pushed back.