Looking For New Fish In 110


Looking For New Fish In 110 Want Something Active And Bright
Current Inhabitants:
1- 4-5 Inch Blue Hippo Tang
2- False Percs
1- Cleaner Wrasse
2- Green Chromis
1- Starry Blenny
1- Royal Gramma
1- Scarlet Cleaner 1.5 Inches
1- Fire Cleaner Shrimp 1.5 Inches
1- Cbs 2 Inches
Many Snails And Hermits
2- Brittle Stars
Only A Couple Corals Now, But May Add More
Blue Hippo Is King Of Tank, And Worries About Possible Aggresion
Any Ideas Welcome
My Ideas:
Trigger- Either Blue Throat Or Pink Tail? Ok W/ Hermits? Cleaner And Cb Shrimp?
Tang- Kole, Or Yellow Tang-around Same Size As Hippo
Dwark Angel- Flame Or Bicolor
Foxface- Equal Or Larger Than Hipo- Was Unsuccessful W/ One Of These, Was Smaller Than Hippo
Fairy Wrasse? Ok W/ Cleaner?


dwarf angel would be your best bet for holding it's own, besides the triggers. it would munch on shrimp and shouldn't be in that sized tank anyway.


Active Member
Hi, I have had two larger wrasses with a cleaner wrasse and they did not bother him because he looks totally different. Cleaner wrasses usually don't live very long in captivity. If and when yours dies you might want to replace him with a cleaner goby instead. My cleaner goby cleans my larger fish just like a cleaner wrasse does and lives with a scotts fairy wrasse and another other red and purple fairy wrasse. I have had both the cleaner goby and cleaner wrasse but my cleaner wrasse died after two weeks.....don't know why. Lesley


Thanks for the advice, but my cleaner wrasse has been in my tank for over 2 years now and pleasantly plump. He eats everything i put in the tank, but loves seaweed sheets the best.


i would go for the foxface. i have one, and i love it!! or instead of the kole tang, how about a bristle tooth tomini tang? i have one of these too and he is really pretty.


foxface! I think it would look best with the fish you already have.


Active Member
IMHO - I like the pink tail trigger the best. These have a ton of color and are very interesting fish. They will pick at certian cleaners, but if you have big crabs and snails they will be fine.