Looking for Okies....


Active Member
Seems like there are a lot of us Oklahoma people here. Let's see if we can get a list going. Maybe we could help each other out locally.


Hi Wrassecal!
This okie is still here even though I haven't posted in forever. Been busy moving:rolleyes:


Active Member

Originally posted by Prater
I have been busy....Still trying to get the nerve up to drill my tank.

Are you going to do it? or have you found someone that will do it? Mine's not drilled either......uhhh do I need to talk to you about sand? I lost the email...maybe it's not you.


Active Member
Well, thank you for the replies....but I already know about those places. I was wondering how many are here a swf. Maybe some who don't know about the local stuff.:)


Oklahoma City here. Have any of you been to the new aquarium in Jenks? I'm dying to go after seeing that article about it in the Oklahoman a couple of weeks ago.


Active Member
Volitan, hi I haven't seen you around here in a while. I haven't been to the aquarium yet, but we want to go as soon as we have the time. Everyone is talking about it.



Originally posted by Wrassecal
Aaron, welcome to the board. Have you been to the aquarium in Jenks? Has anybody been yet?

Thanks. We went the Saturday after it opened. It did not seem to be all finished yet, there were still some empty tanks. I liked the shark tank the best. They also had 1 large SW display with fish only at the time and several smaller tanks with some SW inverts and fish. I was hoping to see a huge reef display, but didn't find one.