Looking for opinions...quick poll


I'm ready for some new fish. My tank is a 90 gallon reef with...
percula clown
small blue hippo
3 chromis
yellow wrasse
What do you think of a Harlequin Tusk and some type of anthias for my tank? I've already tried a Harlequin Tusk about a year ago, and he only made it a month. I'm thinking about trying again. I have a tall tank so I thought that 3 or 4 anthias would be pretty schooling at the top. Any thoughts would be appreciated?
I don't have any shrimp, so I'm not worried about that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
Someone correct me if I am wrong....but I think that is because they eat shrimp.
This is the info I found:"The Harlequin Tusk originates from the reefs of the Indian Ocean and Australia. Indian Ocean Tusks have orange stripes with white margins and a hint of blue adjacent to the tail of the fish. Australian Tusks have orange stripes with vivid blue margins starting from the pectoral fin, along the fishes back to their tail. Both of these beautiful color forms have bright blue teeth or tusks used to crunch invertebrates. They are a wonderful fish for a FOWLR (Fish Only With Live Rock) aquarium. These fish are typically shy when at a small size, but will in time gain personality and confidence as they mature.
A 125 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of live rock for hiding places and moderately aggressive, active fish such as Angels, Tangs, and smaller Triggers is an acceptable environment. Keep only one specimen per tank. Although they will not bother corals, they will eat any small crustacean such as snails or crabs."


Well-Known Member
I have a 90g and the anthias are beautiful. However they are very sensitive to bad water. Had four and I lost two before I could correct things. So make sure all is good before purchasing, and be careful to acclimate slow.
Happy Reefing!


Active Member
Blennies and gobies have a lot of personality and come in just about every color you can think of.


The problem is, I have alot going on at the bottom of my tank. I want something that will swim around the top of my extremely tall tank. I feel like half of my tank is going to waste right now, because only the chromis swim up there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
The problem is, I have alot going on at the bottom of my tank. I want something that will swim around the top of my extremely tall tank. I feel like half of my tank is going to waste right now, because only the chromis swim up there.
My Harlequin rarely ventures to the top half of the tank unless he sees something eatable....FYI, he bothers none of my corals, but no crustacean is likely safe with him.