Looking for plastic tubes


Anyone know where to get ahold of those plastic tubes that are actually 2 liter soda bottles that were not blown up or something similar?


Active Member
you need to make a bong mr law?
just kidding, i almost became a cop. we have a place in i believe overland park ks that's called cadillac plastics. it's where we used to get bong parts back in hs. there should be one near you somewhere. it's like a plumber's supply store only they supply to the plumber's supply. if you want to go long distance and see if cadillac will mail just let me know. i'll get out of my chair and get their number and address for ya.


Our home depot here carries them, your's should too...:notsure:
In the PVC/plumbing part of the store...



Originally posted by maeistero
you need to make a bong mr law?
just kidding, i almost became a cop. we have a place in i believe overland park ks that's called cadillac plastics. it's where we used to get bong parts back in hs. there should be one near you somewhere. it's like a plumber's supply store only they supply to the plumber's supply. if you want to go long distance and see if cadillac will mail just let me know. i'll get out of my chair and get their number and address for ya.

lol. If I were looking for a bong, I have plenty laying around the office that I could choose from. I actually need it to store my weed in that I use in those bongs.


Active Member
i actually just got fired from manager home depot (bast ard fortune 500 mofos), and i can say that our region in the midwest ks/mo does not carry hard clear plastic. you can get pvc or flexible clear tubing up to 1.5 inch, but that's not as good as clear tubes and nowhere near "2-liter" quality. i doubt lowes carries anything like it either.