looking for QT...........


Greeting all, I am new here as well as to the world of saltwater tanks....well honestly, tanks altogether, but I am learning....
Anyway, enough with the small talk. We purchased a 55g tank, which had already cycled and been running for 6 months... NOw i found this site and never even took into consideration the idea of a qt.....
What i am asking is if anyone has any old stuff, a small tank, all the accessories that i would need for the qt, basic, of course, that they are not using and would like to part with. I will have no problem with paying first as long as one of the moderators or other long time memebers can vouch for you (i read the "stacy chronicles", is why i say this)
Also, we are looking for things to add to our tank, now i ouly have about 6# of live rock. The numbers all test ok, except for the nitrates, which seem a little high. Looking for used rock or anything else that one might like to part with.
If anyone can help us out. Please email me or IM me on yahoo at jtkld75... Thanks again.. josh


hey shrimp, not sure what your email is, i cant find it and for some reason it says the asministrator has turned off my pm feature?? anyway, email me at jtkld74@yahoo.com, and well go from there. thanks josh


Just a thought on this...all you need for a QT is a 10 or 20 gallon aquarium, heater and sponge filter or hang on filter for bio-filtration. Nothing fancy...you ought to be able to pick something like that up out of the local paper, or from someone local for a lot less than shipping costs would be....Also, try looking on Reef Central or Reef Sanctuary's for sale forums as well...


I have a 10g tank with a filter, heater, and lights...I also have a brand new bottle of ridich and this other medication along with pvc pipes...I too had a 55 gallon tank but i'm givin it off to my cousin and ask him to convert his 10 gallon freshwater tank to a qt when he gets my 55gallon...email me if your interested..