looking for quickcrete advice


New Member
I have a 29gallon tank that I just added quickcrete to yesterday. I cleaned of the sand as good as possible before introducing it but there seems to be alot of silt. Is this sand that just has not settled or do I need to try and remove it? Any advice would be helpful


I'm getting the feeling you didn't first rinse it REAL GOOD????? You should've been rinsing until now more or at least very little cloudiness occurs IMO!


Active Member
do you have fish in there?
if not, don't worry, it will settle, but if you have fish the visibility may stress them, i have never added dry(not live) aragonite, without dust storms, with finer particles they are hard to avoid, the only time i did not have a dust cloud was when i use ls, as far as rinsing goes, if you have no fish, you are probably better off in not rinsing, it is only sand dust, and will add to your bio filter(when it becomes live), the quickrete is heavier than aragonite, but it is still only sand particles, and won't hurt anything (except for stressing fish), but it should settle, our first tank, took about 2 or 3 days to settle out


New Member
thanks for the info. I removed my live rock, shrimp, brittle star, and fish because I was worried that they would have problems with the transition. I guess I will just give it more time to settle and go from there.


If you have some type of mechanical filtration by all means use it. The cloudyness will go away in a few days.