I am looking for some blue or green mushrooms, if you have any, please email me at BellaNavis@Aol.Com, and let me know what you need/want.
I have some large blue mushrooms I could part with a couple, they are spreading out and the colony needs to be thinned out a little. What color or types of shrooms do you have? I am interested in some reds if you have any. A thermos trade would be easy to do with the weather improving.
I will email you a pic later if you are interested.
hey if your looking for green my lfs has some in baltimore. dont know how far away thet is from reading but the shroom are preety nice. they have one small and a big one the big one has like 15 shrooms on it the small like 4. hope that helps any
I am fragging some green striped right now and I have fraggs of green spotted/striped. See the thread "Florida Coral Swap". That's what I have. Interested??
Ok those are actually more metallic. I really like them. I am fragging them in about a half an hour. I will email you and send you pics as soon as I am finished. Thanks!