Looking for Sump Design


I have a 29 gallon fish tank(37"x13"x15") that I want to use as a sump for my 75 gallon Tank. I was wondering if anyone knows what the best design is with a protein skimmer (either euro-reef or ASM). I'm going to have FWLR right now, but in the future I going to want to change it to a reef tank, and I don't want to change the sump when I do that.
Thank you


Is a chemical chamber necessary, or no. Will just bio-balls and a ASM G3 be enough to filter it? Also is a UV going to help?

my way

Active Member
It is good to have a place to put carbon even if you don't run it 24/7, you will want to use it occasionally. If you have enough LR you won't need the bio balls. I'm not a fan of UV, they kill both good and bad bacteria and organisms. In the sumo I designed the chamber marked 5 is your carbon chamber.


Originally Posted by dmjordan
here is the one i'm getting.
So how do you like your sump. I am thinking about doing one similiar to yours. Do you have a pic of the finished product.


Active Member
Check out melevsreef dot com.....go info and lots of pics and why certain designs are better than others.....


Originally Posted by dmjordan
here is the one i'm getting.
This is alot like the one that I am about to do and I am doing mine with a 38 gallon