I was looking in the classifieds in my local newspaper, and I came across a reef ready 150 gallon tank w/ wet/dry, stand and everything else for a really good price. Do yall think it would be ok to buy used? Thanks for your time.
if its been a salt water tank and never had , i think its copper but i may be wrong there used in it. and it doesnt leak, sounds nice! Best of luck to ya Todd
Yes, Todd is right. Be sure to ask if Copper has ever been in contact with the tank or the filter. Copper is lethal to inverts. Other than that, I see nothing wrong with buying used. Just look it over carefully and ask questions! Good luck!
I purchased a used 110 on ---- and saved about 1500-2000 bucks over new. All tanks are used once the water is added
Follow the advice given regarding copper and take a chance. If the tank is a really good deal it is probably already sold.
There is a substance you can use to get read of copper it will treat your tank for 14 months I would give you a link but cant post it sorry if you have an email address I could send it there "I came across it in a add in a mag I got"