Looking Into Getting A Clam: Need Some Pointers


Active Member
well after deciding to scratch the copperband butterfly and angel from my stocklist I realized it would be safe to get a clam. I really like the maximas the best. Do they have any special needs? Are they completely photosythetic or do they need to be spot fed too? How big do the maximas get and are they better off in the sandbed or rockwork? Tank is a 125 with 2 250w 15K MH bulbs and has been setup since March 2008.
tank inhabitants:
sixline (in tank)
true percs (in tank)
jawfish (in QT)
midas blenny
lieutenant tang
male blue throat trigger
I might add a second tang to the list or another medium sized fish but I am not sure yet.


Active Member
I'm not sure on the trigger to be honest. Your lighting is fine... and where to place him is preference. I have 2 clams in the sand and 1 on the rock work that used to be in the sand but there's no room due to the frags I have in plugs in the sand now (really need a frag tank :)
You'll need to keep an eye on your calcium for proper growth and as far as spot feeding... some phyto now and then wouldn't hurt. If you end up scraping your glass with a magnet scraper every few days that works as well. If you feed it too much or to large of a micron size it can clog the gills. In a healthy established system it should do fine without special feedings.
Again though.. I honestly don't know about the trigger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jackri
I'm not sure on the trigger to be honest. Your lighting is fine... and where to place him is preference. I have 2 clams in the sand and 1 on the rock work that used to be in the sand but there's no room due to the frags I have in plugs in the sand now (really need a frag tank :)
You'll need to keep an eye on your calcium for proper growth and as far as spot feeding... some phyto now and then wouldn't hurt. If you end up scraping your glass with a magnet scraper every few days that works as well. If you feed it too much or to large of a micron size it can clog the gills. In a healthy established system it should do fine without special feedings.
Again though.. I honestly don't know about the trigger.
thanks for the info. i have never heard of a blue throat picking at a clam. if I wasnt getting a blue throat then I wouldnt risk it. I have heard they are a very well behanved fish. but if anyone has had a bad experience with a blue throat and a clam please let me know