Looking into getting corals


hi im looking into getting corals and want to know what wattage lights i need and what type of lights to get.
could you plz tell me some corals that are hardy and good with most fish
right now in my tank i have:
a rusty angel
a maroon clown
an ember blenny
2 peppermint shrimp
2 cleaner shrimp
differnent hermits like 15 of them
and about 4-5 snails
also my dad wanted to know if T-5 is a good type of light for corals
ok thx a bunch


Active Member
To answer your question I have to know the size of your tank and the wattage of the T5's.


I would recommend you get 2- 250 watt metal halides for that tank. You can get 2 ballasts for about $350 or if you shop around you may find better deals like a dual ballast. Then you could keep anything and everything and have o limitations. People say mh are expensive and they do cost some cash but by the time you do enough t5's for your tank you may save around $100 if your lucky and then when you replace those bulbs you'll be spending atleast a 100 more than you would replacing the metal halide bubls everytime becuase the t5's are low watt bulbs . Metal halide you would have 2 bulbs to replace every year or so.


I am relitively new to the hobby, and i have found that Xenia is very hardy and will spread throughout your aquarium quickly, also mushrooms are hardy and do the same thing.


I'm wanting to start some coral in my 55g tank. I have a Sebae Anenome and 2 clarkii clowns. I also have about a dozen red leg hermits and a dozen blue leg hermits. My lighting is a coralife top 42 inch top. It has 2 65 watt Actinic bulbs and 2 65 watt 10000k bulbs. I really don't know much about corals and and am looking for something to get started with. Any info will be greatly appreciated.


Metal Halides are overrated. I've never had a lick of trouble with my corals under PC lighting 260 watt, in a 72gal bowfront, Just my 2 cents.