looking to add a small school to my 125g - see pic


Im looking to add a small school of Dispar Anthias (5-7 in the school) to my 125g but I'm not sure if I'm already maxed with my current stock. I will list my stock below (not going to list inverts or coral, only fish) along with a pic of my setup so u can see what I'm dealing with. I have sufficient amount of live rock (about 150lbs), mecanical filterization (running carbon, Phos Guard, filter floss, etc), uv light and a skimmer so I'm not too worried about my load as far as additional nitrates or disease are concerned. Please share your thoughts.
- 4 tangs (3-4")
- 1 maroon clown (never leaves host)
- 1 false clown (1.5") partner jumped out

- 1 Lunare Wrasse (4")
- 2 blue chromis (1.5")


wow.....over 40 views and not one reply
???? Should I post on another board?? Please give some feedback. Thanks again


Active Member
I would say if it has been at least a few weeks since you last added you should be ok. What are the species of tangs you have in there now (can't tell from pic) their max size will determine if the anthias will be ok or not. Also give an equipment list


Active Member
Once your tangs grow in they will take up alot of space. (load) The other thing is anthias require frequent feedings of oily mysis. (3Xday) If you can give them the feedings they need i would consider a trio. Also, what kind of skimmer you got? If it is a beastly one and/or you have lower light, high nutrient corals,(LPS softies) you could get away clean with 5.
An equipment list would be very helpful.


Active Member
Wow....4 tangs and a Lunare in a 125....I would say you are at capacity..
I felt bad for having 2 tangs and a Lunare in my tank..Its a 180


Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
I would say if it has been at least a few weeks since you last added you should be ok. What are the species of tangs you have in there now (can't tell from pic) their max size will determine if the anthias will be ok or not. Also give an equipment list
Thanks for comments. Its been months since I've added any fish. I actually went aganst the odds and mixed a few species of tangs and they are all getting along just fine (after a few days of getting used to each other).
- Blue Hippo 4" - Very peaceful
- Kole Tang 3" - very peaceful
- Lopezi Tang 4" - Very peaceful
- Sailfin Tang - 4" - little aggressive
I run a hang on protien skimmer that does a marginal job, flufal fx5 canister filter to push carbon and phos guard. My chiller and UV are run through the canister also (I'm currently looking into a sump but am nervous because the tank is on the second floor of my house). MH/t5 mix lighting and vortec wireless power heads (2) plus I run 2 air rocks for additional oxygen.
Thats it.
What do u think??


Active Member
given your setup i probably wouldn't add any more fish, and definitely not a shoal of anthias.
time for a bigger tank


Originally Posted by ci11337
given your setup i probably wouldn't add any more fish, and definitely not a shoal of anthias.
time for a bigger tank

I hear that :)........I actually was going after a new 210g 1/4 cylinder fro my livingroom and then I found out that I'm gonna be a DADDY.....soooooo....I think the new tank has to wait a while. The cool part is the 125g is in the room that the baby is getting so he (or she) will have their own little ocean to grow up with (took me a few months to convince my wife to allow me to keep it in the room....I told her it would be good theropy for the little one which means we'll have a mellow child......that won her over