looking to add some color to tank


looking to add some color to my salt tank. i have a 120 gal tank. a volitan lion, huma huma, hippo tang and gold stripe clown. fish have been together in tank for almost 2 years. have alot of coral algae on live rock, but with nothing else, tank looks kind of grey. my lighting isnt real strong (2) 24" zoo med super daylight ultra suns. i use a timer and lights are on for 14 hours /day. on this site i was eyeing the spiny oyster, deep sea yellow and fighting conch. also salt water plants like the shaving brush(?). any ideas would be welcome. bob


if you want help with the lighting...i'm sure on a 120 gallon you have a double light...i would put the sun lightbulb in the front and a bulb they sell a lot of places either called marine glo or look at the light wave lengths a lot of bulbs have measurements on the side telling how much blue they have in the wave lenght...the more blue in the back the better..it will look good trust me...now as far as decor that is really something you need to shop for...and fish wize i would get stuff like the big angels, tangs...maybe even damsels just to get some color for cheap...good luck


agree, damsels can have nice color and are cheap...I know cuz I have lots of damsels....a tang would be beautiful, and watching it glide through the water.....ooohhh, gotta love it. I had a tang that the lfs says to this day is NOT to small to have in a 55, but I found out the hard way they were wrong. Would love to have another, watching it swim was just the best thing about the tank. Good luck, we'd love pics once you decide!!


thanks for the posts, but with the above mentioned fish already in the tank for almost 2 years, i think my fish addin' days are over for a while. i was looking at some corals, but i'm new to them, so i need to do some research as to if the corals and my fish will live together happily and how to handle/care for them. i hope corals will work out, because they look pretty cool.