Looking to build sump/fuge

I'm looking to upgradeing my wet/dry to some thing bigger or better .I would even consiter on building a big wet/dry to . Need help for a 300 gallon tank .


what size is your wet/dry right now???? what all do you have in it???
Not really sure got it used but it's about a 20 gallon and i just have bioballs in it now.I want to go bigger and better than just bio balls .


It all actually depends on what you plan on doing w/ the sump? Do you plan on building a fuge w/ it? Are you storing a skimmer in there or does it sit outside the tank? In regards to removing the Bio Balls, how long have they been in your tank?
If you want to remove the BB its a long process... I would take out maybe 5 a week untill there all out then you can go w/ the LR or what ever else your planning on adding!
How much do you want to spend.... some poeple will use old acrylic tanks which will cost more IMO others will buy big rubbermaid containers and connect them through bulkheads! It all depends on what you want to do...
Broomer actually has a great setup w/ rubbermaid containers.. I took some of his ideas and put them to mine... for a 300 i would think two 40 gallon rubbermaids would be fine.. one being a fuge and the other being the sump...
whats your e-mail bob i'll send ya pics of my tank underneith .Then maybe we can come up with some ideas. I want it to be the best that i can get and some what inexpensive.
What you set up will in part depend on what you have/ intend to have in your display tank. Is this a fish only, fish only with live rock or reef tank?
The amount of live rock and live sand you will have in your display tank will influence whether or not you need/ want bio media (such as the bio-balls) in your new design.
Try these site for ideas...
Click 'hardware' 'sump configurations'
You can get great help and advice here. Check with a number of people before settling on the best set-up for you. Look for help from/ previous threads from Bang Guy, Broomer5, Big Mac, OceanJumper to name just a few. Check out their web sites too. This is what I have done and I am very happy with my result (which turned out better and less expensive than buying pre-made or custom built)
Hope this helps,
Good luck