Looking to buy a digital Camera


sinner's girl

We're going on a cruise in November and we want to buy a digital camera. (added bonus I can use it to take pic's of the fish!)
The most important thing to me is print quality. I want to be able to take the card to wal-mart and have them print the pic's for me. The pic's will go in the scrapbook with our wedding pic's and such, so I want them to turn out good.
We can spend about $250 (that includes shipping) and we have no problem with buying from ---- or other places online.
My step father-in-law has a Olympus Digital Camera D-550 ZOOM
with takes great digital pic's, but I don't know about the print quality.
Someone else recomended: Canon PowerShot A300 but I don't know anything about it.
So can anyone tell a camera that's in our price range that will have qood print quality? Is there anything about a camera that I can look at to tell the print quality?
Or does anyone knows where I can go to research some cameras?


Active Member
Rye's the expert but print quality is determined mostly by how much data the camera can capture. The higher the resolution (megapixels) the better the print. If you want to stick to 5x7 and smaller generally 3 megapixels are adequate. Any larger I would go with 4 or 5 megapixel to ensure great print quality.
Rye, please correct me if I'm out to lunch on this one.
BTW, I love Canon cameras!

sinner's girl

QUOTE]The higher the resolution (megapixels) the better the print. If you want to stick to 5x7 and smaller generally 3 megapixels are adequate.
Thanks jumpfrog, that's what I needed to know! 5x7 and smaller is all I'll really want. I may bring a disposable camera to a few important pic's in case I want big pic's made.
I always like my Canon cameras too.


Active Member
Jumpfrog is right on cue.
You shouldn't need more than 3 megapixels for the print size that you are looking for.

sinner's girl

nm, i looked it up with an ---- search.
it has 3.2 effective megapixel

sinner's girl

How will Pentax Optio 33L or any of those cameras work as far as taking pic's of the tank? what do I need to look for as far as getting tank pic's? where you can see the fish, not just a blur?


Active Member
I've found the closer I am to the subject the harder it is to get a stop action photo without flash. If you're up close or using macro you'll probably need to use the flash to get clear shots of your fish. The only other option would be to have supplemental lighting and select a fast shutter speed.
Great thing about these digitals is you can experiment to your hearts content with no film or developing costs.
Good Luck!


New Member
I'm Just An Amatuer Photographer, :cool: but..... here's my humble recommendation and suggestions on taking a cruise with a digital.
I currenty have 2 digital cameras.... An Olympus 2020Zoom (2.1 megapixel) and an Olympus 4040Zoom (4 Megapixel). Obviously, I like the 4040Zoom better (more functions to play with & I highly recommend it), but I rarely use the camera to it's full potential, megapixel wise.
IMHO, If you're going digital, go with at least a 3 megapixel camera (for acceptable-to-good quality prints up to 8x10 sized) however 4 megapixel is better. That resolution can enlarge to a 11x14 print with fairly good results, however, you may find (like I do) that you use the camera at a lower resolution setting in order to take more pictures before running out of memory space & having to download your pictures.
I bought my first digital camera about 3 days before a cruise--not enough time to fully learn how to use the camera before "show-time." Buy your new camera as soon as you can and practice with it as much as you can now, in order to be completely comfortable with it before you take those once-in-a-lifetime pictures. Digitals are very easy to use, but you don't want to be figuring it out as great shots are passing you by.
I also learned an important lesson with my first digital camera on that cruise: memory, memory, memory!! Spend the extra money & get AT LEAST one 128meg memory card or larger (around $70 on sale now for a 128 meg SmartMedia Card) for your new digital camera. You'll be glad you did! And, if at all possible, bring your laptop computer along & download your pictures every night before going to bed. If you're like me, you'll be taking pictures of EVERYTHING (on vacation, I take an average of 500 pictures a day with my digital :D ), so you'll want to start each new day with a blank card & to do that you'll need to download those pictures somehow. A cruise without the laptop is possible, however--just make sure you have LOTS of memory card space!! (That's how I did it with my first digital--but I had to sacrifice quality for quanitity on those pictures as a result. :( ) You might also want to consider getting your own printer, rather than getting your pictures printed somewhere. There are printers out there now that will print your photos right from your memory card or camera (like the HP PhotoSmart printers for around $179), without even needing a computer. Using photo quality paper, each print will cost between 15 & 60 cents on your own printer.
One more thing... seawater/salt spray/water spray and digital cameras don't mix well. Just make sure to give your camera a good cleaning as soon as you can afterwards & protect any buttons from direct spray, so that the water doesn't get into it. I've even sealed my camera in a ziplock back, with only the lens itself sticking through a hole in the bag (sealed with a rubber band) to protect it from very wet conditions (like at Niagara Falls recently). I believe you can get waterproof digital cameras now, but as with any good underwater camera, they can be expensive. If you want underwater photos but don't have an underwater SLR, then get a waterproof disposable camera or two.
As you can see, digital photography can be a lot like maintaining an aquarium.... one thing ALWAYS leads to another and you always will want to upgrade to bigger & better. :)
Just my humble suggestions....
Oh, and if you'd like to see some of my pictures taken with that 2 Megapixel camera, you can see them here: http://community.webshots.com/user/melhouse1
(I also have pictures under melhouse2, melhouse3, etc. up to melhouse11, but most of those were taken using the 4 megapixel camera.)


Active Member
I have the same camera bison was talking about, the olympus 4040 and i love it, i never have problems with blurry images.

sinner's girl

"laptop computer along & download your pictures every night before going to bed." yep, already planning on doing that. I figure me buying a digital will be cheaper than buy tons of disposibles, but I we will have a few disposible underwater cameras. I love those! 500 pic's a day? wow, I thought I was picture crazy, but I guess with digital I won't have to worry about running out of film.
"getting your own printer," we have one, a nice one, that prints good pic's. I just don't want to deal with cutting the pic's
thanks Bison for the tips on keeping the camera covered... How do you clean it? does it come with cleaning instrustions?
How pic's of good quality will fit on a 128 meg SmartMedia Card?
oh and if you don't mind me asking, aarone or Bison, how much did you pay for the olympus 4040? I can only spend $250 total.
Nice pic's Bison, thanks. where are the fish pic's? Islands of Adventure is the bestest place on earth, (at least at 18 it was) I loved cartoon land, we stood under the hat and ate huge ice cream cones in the rain. seeing the pic's makes me want to go back. thanks for showing the pic's, I'm more eagar to get the camera now.


Sinner my wife and I have the same camera. Pictures come out incredible. We print our own as well as upload to Ofoto.com. The only thing is if you really have to zoom a pic quality lessens a bit, But overall a good camera. My wife and researched it before we bought it. And Olympus are known for thier cameras.


New Member
Sounds like you've done a lot of planning ahead already! GREAT!
How many "quality" pictures will fit on a 128meg card is a question without an easy answer! It all depends on the picture quality settings (resolutions) the camera you chose offers and which one of those settings you chose to use. SHQ mode (Super High Quality) on one camera may be a completely different resolution than on another one. In my VERY HIGHEST quality mode (TIFF 2272x1704, the super-duper, ultra whiz-bang mode) on the 4.1 megapixel camera, I can get only 11 pictures on a 128meg card ("Is that all?!" you might say....), but in the quality I use most often for my "good pictures," HQ 2272x1704, I can get 130 pictures on that same card. For my everyday, at home pictures, I use a lower setting, SQ 1600x1200 (still a fairly "good" quality setting, suitable for good 5x7s or a fairly good 8x10 print) which gives me 257 pictures on that 128 meg card. When traveling, I also take a few of what I call "memory shots"--pictures in a very low quality such as 800x600--not good enough to show anyone else, but just enough to remind me later of where I was or what a sign or inscription said.
Prices of digital cameras are another good question. Both of my digital cameras were actually presents from my husband--the 2020Zoom in Feb. 2000, and the 4040Zoom in Dec 2001 (almost 2 years apart). Think he said he paid between $800 & $900 for each of them, but.... By the time he bought the 2nd camera, the price on the first one, the 2020Zoom, had dropped to $500. I'm sure the prices have gone MUCH lower than that by now! More important is to shop around and get a camera that fits YOUR price range, but don't get anything less than 3 megapixels these days--you'll be happier with it longer! (If my first digital was a 3 megapixel one, instead of 2 megapixels, I wouldn't have wanted/gotten the 2nd camera....) You may find that the Olympus 3030Zoom (3 megapixels) is in your price range--it is VERY similar to the 4040 I have. Do some checking around before you buy as I've seen quite a range of prices for the same camera.
As for cleaning, just BE CAREFUL. Whatever camera you get will probably come with instructions on cleaning. I just blow off any sand/dirt, wipe off the camera with a very slightly damp cloth & I avoid getting saltwater/sea spray IN the camera.
Oh, and one final note: BATTERIES, BATTERIES, BATTERIES!! Digitals EAT batteries like candy! Get lots of rechargable batteries. I usually travel with 16 batteries (4 in the camera & enough for 3 sets of spares) and 2 battery chargers.
Once again, I am Just An Amateur Photographer and these are just a few humble suggestions. Thanks for the compliments on my photos. Good luck with your camera hunt & have a GREAT time on your cruise!
Oh, and here's a fish picture for you (jellyfish, that is....)


I wouldnt go with anything less than a 5 MP , i have a 5.3 and it looks insainely sharp. The sony cybershot is an excellent camera with a lot of nice features and easy for a beginer to use with strong features for a pro to use. That would be my recomendation ive tryed some of the others and they just didnt measure up . for a little more money you get a much nicer camera.. mine was about a $1,100 with the extra 256 meg memory card and case. Make sure you get the lens protector as well it screws into the lens to protect it while the cover is off well worth the $14 dollars.