Looking to buy LR in Tennessee!


I am in south carolina. We have lots of stores around here if you send me the $$$ I will ship what ever you want


thank you, but we have stores here as well, I am kind of looking for a cheaper route the LFS are all about making money!


have you read the post about making your own? It might be worth your time you can save alot of monet that way


there is a store in nashville on nolensville rd - called aquatic critter ...this is the only place around that I have found that handles LR - LS


I just received the 12lbs of fiji live rock that I ordered from SWF...and I am really satisfied - the pieces arrived wrapped in wet newspaper/in a plastic bag rubberbanded shut/inside a small styrofoam container/inside a similar sized box....
I was very satisfied with the sizes/shapes and looks of the pieces.... each has a little character and were not all boring
.....the were varying in size i believe 5-6 pieces total.... since I am currently cycling my tank (no critters of any kind yet) I was able to add the rock directly to my tank (after a slight dip in a saltwater bucket to rinse off)....
SWF's price is cheaper than my LFS so I will definitely order again; Now if I can just get my lighting figured out
maybe I can put some critters in my tank