Looking to do 2 Dwarfs. Anyone?

jonny bolt

Hi all. I am considering havin 2 Dwarf Lion's in my tank, 1 Fuzzy and 1 Zebra. I already have the Fuzzy....it was ordered instead of the Zebra I wanted, but decided to get it anyway. I told the LFS to continue the order for the Zebra anyway. I was wondering if anyone has experience housing 2 Dwarfs like this, and if so, how did things go?


Active Member
Yeah, you should be able to do it with no problem. Lions do not mind other lions in the same tank. Though I do not currently have two dwarfs, I do know people who have done it without a problem. I have a volitan and a fuzzy though and they actually swim together and get along very well.

jonny bolt

Sweet. Some re-assurance is definitely what I was lookin for lol
Here's the new Fuzzy Dwarf...his names Bub...


Active Member
Awesome! I just love fuzzys. Mine comes right to the top and eats right out of my hand. If you can't get her to eat at first, don't worry. Try offering ghost shrimp, and you will have her eating in no time.
I am not a big fan of branch rock but I really like yours. Could you post a full tank pic so that I can see how you have it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
Sweet. Some re-assurance is definitely what I was lookin for lol
Here's the new Fuzzy Dwarf...his names Bub...

Just wanting to know what makes you say that your lion is a male when you told me mine was female? Your fuzzy has the same amount of bars on the pectoral fins as mine.
Just curious......Deb

jonny bolt

Mine has 7 or 8, the inside of his fin is scrunched up. There are a couple more smaller ones inside, he is just a little fella, a few stripes are just hard to see.


Active Member
Shrimp for sure some say others have had no problems with them. I don't know about snails but I would also like to know about the crabs too.


Active Member
That is good to know, what about if the hermits are small? Will that make any difference?
I am just thinking of this little critter motoring across the sand and the lion looking at it like dinner.

jonny bolt

I have small hermits, Ceriths and Turbos, and my first Lion never paid attention to em. My new Lion doesnt either. But yeah, Shrimp will be stalked and more likely than not eaten.