Looking to set up an Aggressive tank what is a good starter size???


I will be graduating in a month and my parents said they will buy me a new tank. I have been wanting to set up an aggressive tank with a small eel, a small lion, and a couple other fish. What is a good size of tank and what are some good fish that will go nicely together..............Was thinking getting maybe a 70g tank or so.........is that too big or too small or just right. Thanks!

tony detroit

Active Member
Well if cost is a factor, get a 100gal (72'')long, they make for a nice agressive tank, not the best, but long. If you can get a 125 or a 180, they open up your options greatly.


ok will look in 100-125gal.........about how many fish would fit in a 100 or 125? Thanks


Active Member
This is important to keep in mind. It would have saved my money in the long run...
The BIGGER the better!!!! :D


Active Member
My 125 lasted me a little over a year...5 fish and it's time for a 200+
A 125 6' long looks 'Huge" when you first bring it home...:eek:
But it doesn't take long to realize how small it really is...:thinking:


Active Member
Yeah, my 125 looks absolutely miniscule next to the monster 980. Its going to be rolled over to construct the other wet/dry for the BIG one. Im gonna try to get two 1800 gal/hr Mag's in each filter for a total of 7200 gal/hr before the canister or skimmers. What size hoses should be drilled for that flow rate?