looking to trade: Frogspawn Huge 15 plus heads


New Member
well can you show me a picture of the frogspawn?? and how am i supposed to trade with you when you are in NC.??.??.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tnnsfrk
how am i supposed to trade with you when you are in NC.??.??.
trade corals by mailing each other frags that you agree to trade with and for.


I know you're looking for blastos or Ricordia, but if you change your mind I have a pink acan I'd trade with you. It's really pretty.


Active Member
Originally Posted by deansreef
Looking for Blastos or Ricordia mushrooms
I am in Raleigh and have about 8-12 ricordia polyps. Orange mouth- purple/blue. How many polyps for the FS? How far from Raleigh arte you because I do not want to ship.


how about this...1 head of the frogspawn for each ricordia? I am about 2 hrs from Raleigh- we could meet somewhere in between


Active Member
Originally Posted by deansreef
how about this...1 head of the frogspawn for each ricordia? I am about 2 hrs from Raleigh- we could meet somewhere in between

Probably have to pass on that. Ricordia around here is expensive. 15-25$ a polyp. Frogspawn is ~5-10$ per head.
Thxs anyway.