Looking to upgrade lighting. Need advice.


I'm about to place my order. What would your recommendation be on a 4 bulb setup? It has two different lamp controls so I should get two atinic and two daylight bulbs...correct?


Well-Known Member
Check out their selection of ATI bulbs...I'm thiking 2 of the blue pluss bulbs for SPS, 1 12,000k aqua blue special for full spectrum, and probably 1 pro color bulb to help bring out some reds would be a nice set.


Nice thanks a lot man. And when I get this set up I would just have the Blues come on an hour or so before the others?


Well-Known Member
Honestly, it just depends on what you put in the tank. Just make sure you research what the specific lighting requirements are for whatever corals you put in there. Typically, yes, the blue would be best by themselves for dawn/dusk lighting and then have the other ones kick on durring the day. But everybodys tank is different, you'll just have to work out what's best for yours.


Sounds good. Thanks for all your help I'm going to place the order for the 36 inch fixture now and I will let you know how it turns out. :) thanks again.


I went with the sunpower instead of the show model since I am putting it inside my canopy. Hopefully that is ok.


Well-Known Member
The sunpower should be fine. The only differences between that one and the powermodule fixture is that the powermodule has an extra build in fan that helps make it about 5% more efficient, and the alluminum housing is a little more heavy duty.


How high should I have these lights over the water? From stuff I have been reading I'm starting think I may need a higher canopy.