I have a 125g that was previously a FOWLR but I am looking to get into corals and clams..........I am not looking to be restricted in what I can raise so I am going to need to upgrade my lighting and I'm not sure if I go with T5's or MH's or a blend of both. I a looking to spend somewhere in the $1000-$1500 range. My depth is 24"...........Any suggestions???????? I am looking to work in some blues and possibly a red ( I just read something about a red light).........any suggestions there????? I want to be able to mimic the daylight to moonlight cycle so separate power feeds would be necessary.
Just throw out some quality models and I'll do some research.........Thanks everyone!!!!
I know I'm going to need to incorporate a chiller because I am already sometimes hitting the 82-83 Degree point with my current lighting.
Just throw out some quality models and I'll do some research.........Thanks everyone!!!!
I know I'm going to need to incorporate a chiller because I am already sometimes hitting the 82-83 Degree point with my current lighting.