that is a loaded question....
Do you have the seachem pinacle?
As for pumps and stuff, you have to figure out what type of system you want then go from there. There are a ton of books to read up on before you go out and purchase anything. Piece of advice, dont let the LFS' sell you anything you dont know about first.
Do your research first. Read a few books on the hobby if already havent done so. Pumps can be as difficult as lighting. You have so many options. I think research first, then make an educated decision.
Try reading the concientious marine aquariast or the new marine aquarium. Both are good starter books which outline the process for getting started in this hobby. I think the concenus here feels the same. If you need specific info, try searching this site or ask a specific question.
To answer your first, dunno what that piece of equip is. Sounds like a pump with an RO attachment. Someone else here may know.
good luck.