Loopy Cow Fish? Need Feedback Please


CAPS OR REALLY ANNOYING!! Try to tone it down a bit.
Thank you.
Someone above said that these grow real slow. How slow? If I got a smal one (1" or so), how long could I keep it in a 20 gal. tank before he outgrows it? I plan on getting a bigger tank later but would like to get one of these cute cow fish now.


Well it's been roughly 7 months since i've gotten my Cow Fish, Bessie. She's doing great, her horn is growing back slowly but surely. She doesnt seem to be ramming the hood any more. We got her when she was around 2 inches long including horns and today, 7 months later, she's nearly 6 inches long including horns. She eats like a cow and has a great personality.
I wouldnt suggest putting the cow fish in a 20 gallon. Once you account for the substrate, liverock, and anything else you may want in the tank, you all of a sudden have a considerably smaller tank than what you had first thought. My Cow is in a 72 gallon bow front with 1 3-stripe damsel and 1 yellow tank.
As far as "perfect water conditions", she is only 1 of 3 fish that has lived through everything. I lost many fish though the passed 9 months. Porcupine puffer, flame angel, snowflake eel, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, several snails, 1 figure 8 puffer, 1 domino damsel, and i'm sure there's more i'm not thinking of at the moment. Although I did have to treat her at least 5 times in the hospital tank for serious cases of ich. The last time I thought I was going to lose her. But obviously she recovered and is doing well. That was 2 months ago and hasnt had to have another treatment since. So now i'm leary about buying anymore fish in fear that it will have a negative effect on bessie and her health.


Bummer I can't get one in my 20 gal. for just about a year. The only reason my wife let me get into this was because she really like those too and wanted me to get one
. Guess this is my excuse to get a bigger tank sooner then. I hope she will go for that. LOL


I would say with your 20 gallon tank and a 1-1.5" Cow Fish, you're probably safe for 5-6 months. Then that is when you would absolutely want to upgrade tanks. The problem with that is this...When you upgrade tanks, you need to have the tank up and running for a certain amount of time before putting any fish into it. So if you ran your 20 gallon with a cow fish for 6 months and then upgraded to a 55+, you couldnt immedicately put the cow fish into the new tank. Everybody has a recommended amount of time for cycle periods for new tanks and with a 55+ gallon tank, you would want to wait 3+ months before adding any delicate types of fish to it..longer if you can wait it out. Cow fish I would have to consider delicate.
So 20 gallon for 5-6 months with a 1.5" cow fish would mean you pretty much have to start setup on the 55+ gallon tank immediately for it to be cycled in the amount of time it would take for the cow fish to outgrow your 20 gallon tank.