Loosing SPS coral over time!! Help Please


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So for those who don't know I have a 120 tank with approximately 200-220 total volume. My tank consists of everything I think it should. Its a 120 reef tank which drains into my basement into a large sump which consists of filter socks and a PM Bullet II Skimmer. The sump has a mag 18 that pulls and dumps into a 55 refuge consisting of Mangroves a deep sand bed and Chaeto. It also dumps into a 30 gallon tank filled with just live rock. Both these tanks again drain into my sump into a filter sock before returning to my display by a Reeflo Barracuda pump.
My lighting consists of Aquaillumination SOL Blues. I also have a MTC ProCal and I run GFO.
My question is this. I have acros that appear to do well for a few months then slowly deteriate. My flow appears to be good in the tank, I feed with Rotifers and Reef Nutrition Phyto-Pheast. My trates are zero, my calcium is about 420 my Phosphates read zero. LFS told me to start using Coral Amino but basically because I was asking why his Mille's were extended and mine aren't. What should I be doing? Addicted to Acros but they don't seem to last.
My Monti's do great along with all my other coral.


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Using a Seachem test and doing the test right now, after my lights have been off since 10:00 PM last night, my PH is currently between 8.1 and 8.2. My Total Alk is 4. Total Alk converted to KH is 9.8 if my math is correct


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can you get it verified with an LFS. seachem tests are not accurate usually.
can you describe the ways your acro dies?


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They slowly just start turning white in some areas. Almost as if the flesh is just getting eaten away. It does not start at one end and work its way over. Its blotchy.


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Also what is your magnesium reading and flow for SPS needs to be very strong and randomized. Have you gotten out a magnifying glass to look for any critters in the spots that are turning white?


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The Baracuda is around 4000 GPH and then I had two Hydor Evolution powerheads. I actually turned one of because I was thinking there was too much flow.


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Also I did a Revive dip last night on the green Mille that looked the worst. It immediately started spewing its guts and shedding its skin (defense). So I removed it from the dip after only about 5 min or so. The coral does not look like it appreciated the dip and IMO prob hurt it. Looks pretty bad


Active Member
nah, shedding is fine. when you say milli, i highly suspect aefw since they love millis. i think you have too little flow too. when they say high, they mean high. as long as its not directly at the coral, its fine. but indirect whipping is good.


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Will Revive get rid of these AEFW? I will have to take a closer look with a magnifying glass. As for the flow, the water is pretty turbulent. I'd be shocked if there was not enough flow. Suggestions or ideas on how and what to treat?


Active Member
if it truly is AEFW, you're in for a long battle. you would have to dip every week for 3+ months to destroy their life cycle and leave them in QT to prevent them from getting back into your tank.
inspect for eggs as well


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ive left mine out for 15+ minutes. in the wild theyre out for hours so dont worry about it too much.


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OK, so here is the deal. I checked the two Acros and I saw NOTHING. I used a magnifying glass and all I saw was clean skeleton. What should I do? I am so annoyed about this. Im sure you understand!


Active Member
even with a magnifying glass, aefw will be hard to spot. did u dip and check what came out of the dip?
i wouldnt use coral amino unless your acros were losing colors. its potent stuff.
are your sps colored, browned, tan, or faded?
when you say turning white in some areas, are they small bite marks or like a section dying off from the base or the top or side?


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When I dipped I really looked very quickly but never saw anything. I would like to dip again all my SPS but don't want to stress anything out. As for the Amino what do you mean potent? Isn't it nutritious for the coral?


Active Member
its nutritious but it can easily cause an algae outbreak as well as darken the SPS too much. how long did u dip for. i would do at least 10 minutes and blow it with a turkey basterp to see if anyhting comes flying off.
theres so many factors here, which is why im asking how they died. itll help pinpoint whats the cause. i thought lighting at first, but i dont know what settings you're running them at and how high theyre at