losing my mind? on again off again Ick


richard kagen

If I did not have family members verifying, I would be certain I was going crazy.
The huma huma trigger that I posted about with Ick, has tiny, salt crystal sized white spots sometimes and sometime not. They come and go and move around very quickly several times a day. Fish seems fine and eats, well like a trigger.
I am planning on starting a course of Kick Ick, but keep hesitating as he starts to look clean.
Any thoughts?

al mc

Active Member
It is not unusual for the white spots to come and go if it is Ich. Many people report that they may see no Ich during the day only to have the fish covered with it at night. This is because only a portion of this parasite's life cycle is spent on the fish.
If you check out Beth's archived thread on Ich it will explain this and treatment options.


Well-Known Member

Kick Ick does not work
. Either do hypo as Beth recommends or you can try what I did. I was tired of ick and decided that if this does not work I would let everything die off and leave the tank empty. I had a reef and no way could all my fish fit in a 10g QT tank.
I upped the temp to 82 to make sure the fish were happy, I fed them garlic juice laced shrimp chunks to up their immunity. I got 2 cleaner shrimp to pick off the parasite from the fish.
10+ months later and I am ich free, and I didn't lose a single fish. All the temp and garlic did was give my fish a fighting chance, I expected to loose everything. It all turned out Okay, but I want you to understand that if you try it, there are risks. The Hypo is the better choice if you have the QT big enough for everything to stay in for 6 to 8 weeks.
I have had the same issue I have been fighting ick for almost a year now I know the culprit is the powder blue I assume he introduced the ick into my tank even though i kept him in qt for a month with copper. some of the fish will show no sign of ick while others will i do not add chemicals and i dont have the room to set up a large enough qt tank so i keep water super clean keep temp stable and feed good food laced with vitamins in a mtter of weeks the ick goes away and all is well then out of no where a months down the line the powder blue has ick and we do it all over again. I have never lost a fish maybe the fish are becomming immune to it. I have no idea.


Active Member
Originally Posted by deep_sea_denni
I have had the same issue I have been fighting ick for almost a year now I know the culprit is the powder blue I assume he introduced the ick into my tank even though i kept him in qt for a month with copper. some of the fish will show no sign of ick while others will i do not add chemicals and i dont have the room to set up a large enough qt tank so i keep water super clean keep temp stable and feed good food laced with vitamins in a mtter of weeks the ick goes away and all is well then out of no where a months down the line the powder blue has ick and we do it all over again. I have never lost a fish maybe the fish are becomming immune to it. I have no idea.
Were all the other fish treated with copper as well before being placed into the tank?
yes. I qt and treat all my fish with copper for 1 month before they go into the main tank. I havent had an outbreak in a few months I think the last was halloween so I think I may have just jinxed myself. I have 7 other species of tang in the tank the 2 that usually show signs are the powder blue and the purple I have had both for several years too. weird

richard kagen

None of the LFSs want to admit it, but just watch on shipment day they drip everything in and then put the fish right into non-copper tanks most or all of which share a single filtration system.
Could it be like the common cold for humans, always present in our environments and just ready to pop up when, for whatever reason, out immune systems are a bit off?
I started the "Kick Ick" treatment today and will continue the full course and see where that takes us. I just don't see QT as a practical solution for us, so I guess we live with it.
Thanks to all for the help and insight.