Losing the battle


Originally Posted by shogun323
IMO, instead of waiting to see if your tang and anemone and star make it I think it would be in the best interest of the specimens to take them to an LFS for some credit and cut your losses.

Lfs is Swf.com
I know this sounds ridiculously sad, but I have no idea on lights. I think halidae(spellcheck) guy at store said they would work for what I wanted

Thanks! It took me about a week to get here. I had to get a new email address.
What exactly is considered a reef tank?
I was trying to keep it simple and avoid the whole 100# of live rock with coral, sponges etc. thing.
I was thinking more like 20# lr and a few anemones.
I am confused again
I did it to myself though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AdroitMind
I'm just wondering how you avoid adding lots of fish at one time when you order from this site. They make you buy $79 at the least. I really love the boards but i will most likely never order anything from here just because of the large minimum order. Any ideas on how to introduce $79 worth of fish correctly?

I am relatively new to the hobby and we just got our first order in from SWF. We got a foxface rabbitfish (died...it was puny when we got it), a green mandarin (doing fine), several porcelain crabs, a cleaner shrimp, and three packs of reef copepods (to help feed the mandarin). The best way to bring your total up to the $79 plateau is to add other smaller things that would benefit your tank (clean up crew members, cleaner shrimp, neat crabs, or, if you have or plan to have a mandarin, copepods!)
Just my 2 Cents.


Yeah, He is my favorite right now too. He is actually doing the best I think.
I shouldn't have said that, now he will be belly up tommorrow

That sounds like a terrific idea! (weaning)
He is super small though,are there any other shrimp that may be smaller? the peppers that I have seen seem too big.
He is 3-4 inches tops, with all fins included in that.
He's adorable


Originally Posted by browniebuck
I am relatively new to the hobby and we just got our first order in from SWF. We got a foxface rabbitfish (died...it was puny when we got it), a green mandarin (doing fine), several porcelain crabs, a cleaner shrimp, and three packs of reef copepods (to help feed the mandarin). The best way to bring your total up to the $79 plateau is to add other smaller things that would benefit your tank (clean up crew members, cleaner shrimp, neat crabs, or, if you have or plan to have a mandarin, copepods!)
Just my 2 Cents.

No copepods!!! I have enough right now!!!!

I would like a mandarin though. That fish is actually the reason I started all of this. I fell in love with them 6 years ago. I love their colors.
I was great with freshwater. when my final fish died of old age I decided to go salt.
Everyone told me that once you get it going that it is fairly easy. That it was just the "getting it going" part that was rough.
I am probably going to wait until I feel I have more experience before I get a mandarin. Everything I have read says the are for more experienced hobbyist


Originally Posted by browniebuck
Just my 2 Cents.

2 cents is always welcome with me :joy:
I am similar to a sponge right now. Just trying to soak it all in and filter.


Active Member
Lfs is Swf.com
Gotcha, I still recommended taking some survivors because they(seastar, ailing tang, and anemone) are not fit for your tank for various reasons. Instead of waiting to see if they make it past the 15 mark with SWF, you can take them to an LFS. Unfortunately at this point they don't stand too much of a chance in your tank.
What exactly is considered a reef tank?
a reef would be a tank with live corals, invertabrates, etc.
I would take some time just to learn and absorb as much information as you can before adding anymore livestock. A great book to read is the Conscientous Marine Aquariast by Robert Fenner.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
Yeah, He is my favorite right now too. He is actually doing the best I think.
I shouldn't have said that, now he will be belly up tommorrow

That sounds like a terrific idea! (weaning)
He is super small though,are there any other shrimp that may be smaller? the peppers that I have seen seem too big.
He is 3-4 inches tops, with all fins included in that.
He's adorable

Lionfish can and will eat anything that will fit in their big ole mouth.


Thank you sooooo much Shogun323!!
You have been a big help and made me feel welcome with your positive ideas.
Thank you again.!!