losing too much water


I have a 58g tank and 2(110w PFO) and a 250w MH. My PFO run about 13 hours a day and my MH been reduce down to 3 hour a day. They a little close to water surface about 3 inch above the water. Everday now the water seem to evaporate more and more. Before is only a gallon a day, now is about 1.5 or 2 gallon a day. My temperture seem fine. I couldn't think of what cause it to be like that. :help:

bang guy

Originally Posted by Tboy
I couldn't think of what cause it to be like that. :help:
The relative humidity of the air in the room is a major factor for evaporation.

freaky's reef

New Member
Move your lights up 8" above tang and get some glass tops to slow evaporation. Put some fans in to keep your heat down.


Active Member
move the halides up another 5 inches, thatll make a world of difference, at 3 inches your practically boiling the water out of your tank.


i put a humidifier in my living room and that seemed to help a lot with evap. especially in the winter.


Active Member
heh, my evaporation was so bad that i had ice crystals forming on my old slider metal frame.