Loss of My Yellow Tang


New Member
We recently setup a 54 gallon corner bowfront tank. We have a key west live sand substrate and about 30lbs of liverock in the tank. We also have a clownfish and a yellow tang. The tank was running for 3 weeks before we added any fish. Before I left for work one afternoon I went down to feed the fish and they were swimming and eating fine. When I got home the Yellow tang was not living anymore. The LFS asked us to bring some sample water for them to test, but all the test ph nitrate salinity ammonia and alkalinity all were perfect. I was just wondering if anyone might have any thoughts on what killed our tang and if I should remove the clownfish before he dies. Please advise


New Member
Also we noticed today that the clownfish has 2 white spots on him very very small. Is this signs of Ich. I am new 2 this so any thoughts would be nice


Active Member
Did the LFS tell you what your water params where when they tested it?
The 1st thing that I will say, is that tangs are not for beginners. They're not considered a hardy fish, such as clowns, and wrasses to name a couple. Stay with hardier fish the 1st few months.
A 54 corner bowfront doesn't give much swimming room, like many tangs prefer. This can cause stress, and problems with the fish.
Also most people will say that tangs, and angels, need fairly established tanks. Tanks that have been up and running with good water conditions for a minimum of 6 months.
I'll also suggest that maybe your moving a little fast in stocking the tank. I prefer to let the tank run for 3 weeks before adding a hardy fish. Then after that average about 1 fish every couple of weeks. This will give the tank time to adjust to the added bio load.