Lost 2 clownfish this morning


This morning I woke up and found both of my clownfish pale, lying on the sandbed :(
Ive been worried all day that everything else in the tank is going to die (corals and my yellow watchman goby). Is this just something that happens or does this mean there is something seriously wrong with my tank. Also my pulsing xenia seems to have crossed to the other side.
Ive tested my water and everything came out fine:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 0
pH: 8.2
Temp: 78 degrees
SG: 1.025
The only thing that I can possibly think of, is I just put a frag of monti digi in my tank 2 days ago, and the LFS has to superglue it to a small peice of rock, im thinking the glue make the water conditions dangerous?
I guess im just asking when would it be safe to try to add other fish? Is there anything I can do but sit back and hope all my corals and fish live through whatever is wrong with my water? (ive already done an emergency water change)


Active Member
I would keep doing water changes. Don't add any more fish. I don't think it would be the superglue because they probably used the kind that is safe in aquariums. Could it be some kind of cleaner or something that you sprayed around the tank?


Active Member
I had the same thing happen, lost a perc clownfish. No other problems with water parameters, no other fish died. It happened right after a water change.
Never did figure it out.


Thats exactly what happened, I did a water change because my xenia was looking bad, woke up the next morning and my clowns were dead :(
strange... I just hope everything else in my tank makes it


I just had the same thing happen about a month or so ago with my percs. All levels were fine. Unfortunatly in this hobby we have to except that some things just die and we cannot prevent it!
But yet I would still follow the advice on not to place any fish in the tank in case!!!


well that just ticks me off :mad: That makes sense though, cause that was a new box of IO salt.
Thats the last time I use their salt! So what should I do? Just wait like 2 weeks and then do you think it would be safe to add some new fish?


Active Member
I wouldn't add any more fish for a while. Whatever is in the water is probably still there so i would keep doing water changes. No point in taking a chance.


Active Member
Funny, I used IO when I lost my clown, too.
It happened about a month ago...it was a new bag. But I threw away the bag, because I dumped it into my salt bucket.
I've done one other water change on the tank since, and haven't lost a fish, but my Xenias don't look too good right now.
I should add, none of my other tanks are suffering, though. And I used the same salt.
Out goes the salt, just to be safe--only have a small water change left in the bucket anyway.
What really sucks around here, though, is IO is the only salt sold in 200g sized buckets. Everything else comes in boxes, or bags


New Member
The fact that you are using the same salt in other tanks with no problem is strong piece of information. So is the fact that only the 2 Clownfish died, while everything else lived.
I would look to other recent events for clues, such as why the Xenia moved after the Monti was introduced.
I've used IO salt for probably 11 years total and I've gone to other brands for a year here and there and came back to IO. I've only used IO for the last year and I'm half way through a 200 gallon bucket I bought last month. I seriously doubt your 2 dead fish were the result of a salt related problem.


Active Member
One guys coralline,turned orange!!!
orange coralline is not unheard of. It mainly grows under the rocks, i beleive it is a low light coralline. I saw a tone of this stuff while snorkeling in alaska.


Active Member
I called my good LFS and asked if they'd had heard anything bad recently about IO, he said one of the guys who works there lost a fish after a water change with IO.
Of course, it PROVES nothing. Unusually coincidental, though. You must admit.
I use it and like it, too. But a bad batch isn't out of the ballpark.