lost a clown


Well I lost a clown today. It appears it jumped to its death someime last night. I did not know that clowns were jumpers...also it jumped through the smallest area possible....


you found him outside the tank?? why wasnt there a secure lid on the tank? didnt you see Nemo and his friends escape through the filter on the movie??


I actually do have a lid on there but he jumped in the little slot where the heater is hanging!!! Now my other clown won't leave that spot, he is waiting for his buddy to come back...


Active Member
yea, i dont hear of clowns jumping very often, i could be wrong though, wat kind was it?


Well, Nemo DID go look for his father... as far as his friends, I dont know what to tell you. I have had cleaner shrimp disappear. Never to be found again.


Active Member
One of my clowns jumped last month. The weird thing is the one left didn't even seem to notice, even though they were always together before.


It was a false percula, I have never read anything about one jumping but you never know...I am just glad I found him...at first I just thought he might have died in the night, my tank entered a second cycle and the water is not good right now...and i noticed the other one would not leave the heater so I looked behind and sure enough there it was...it was so sad...I think it was more upseting because that was a thirty dollar fish...which after my levels get back to normal I will have to replace...my three year old misses him...


Active Member
wow, i payed $12 for my false perc, and i will again tomorrow (mine had a tragedy itself)


Same thing happend to me. I was doing a water change last month, and my mixing tank was beside my display tank. I guess the noise from the water being dumped into the tank scared one of my clowns and he jumped out. Luckly my girlfriend witnessed him trying to see if the water was cleaner on the other side, and scooped him up and placed him back in the tank. However a week before that my clown fish that I have had for over 3 years jumped through a very tiny slot between the glass top and the overflow tube for the filter. By the time I noticed he was gone, well, he was gone! My two that jumped were perc's. They will jump! :jumping: