New Member
Well, my yellow tail damsel finally kicked the bucket. The problem I am having though is that he had no signs of disease. He simply was not active at all and stayed on the bottom pretty much all day yesterday. My other damsel was faded this morning also, but quickly got his color back after turning on the lights.
Water tested perfect two days ago. And I will test again when I get home from work today. What causes color fading in the fish? My percula clown seems to be doing perfect. And my Inverts also seem to be doing fine. I thought that the inverts would start showing signs of stress first if I had a problem but I guess not. I though damsels were the most hardy fish, but I am having more trouble with them over any thing else.
Any ideas?
20 Gallon
Live Rock and Sand
Water tested perfect two days ago. And I will test again when I get home from work today. What causes color fading in the fish? My percula clown seems to be doing perfect. And my Inverts also seem to be doing fine. I thought that the inverts would start showing signs of stress first if I had a problem but I guess not. I though damsels were the most hardy fish, but I am having more trouble with them over any thing else.
Any ideas?
20 Gallon
Live Rock and Sand