Lost a fish need to know why

Very sad
lost my neon goby in tank over 3 mos was first to enter after cycling. Tank 24 gal nano 23 lbs lr live sand base 2" many "pods" inhabit tank. tank param temp 81, Ph 8.2, salinity, 35ppt nitrites nitrates and ammonia 0 Other inhabitants scooter dragonet, false perc, firefish, 4 hermits 8 snails, 2 ricordia polyps. He had established home in rock only warning was hiding in rock more one day labored breathing that night then dead, cleaners decended on him fast and he was gone before I could register any fouling of tank. Everyone else is still fine in tank (3 days later) current readings still same in tank. I just want to know if there is anything I need to do for my other fish some protection or was this isolated? :notsure: MBinTraining


Active Member
if you have nitrites of 35 you better do a water change fast. other than that it could have been normal death, other fish aggression, not eating right, or a bunch of other things.
but seriously, your nitrites should be zero.


Renogaw - I thought the same thing at first read - but I think he's saying ammonia, trites, & trates are 0, and salinity is 35ppt.
I don't have a clue about it, other than the possibility that sometimes, it's just a fish's time to go?
sorry about the mix up salinity 35ppt all others 0 I am watching other fish closely. The goby showed no signs of illness besides 24hrs before croaking do have question about ricordia they "slime" when disturbed by hermits could this have been "toxic" to goby? MBintraining