Lost all interest in my reef tank


Active Member
I agree, I already got sick of the thought of a reef even though I hadn't even set one up yet, I think reefs are for smaller tanks to make them interesting


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yimmy
I agree, I already got sick of the thought of a reef even though I hadn't even set one up yet, I think reefs are for smaller tanks to make them interesting
take at look at my tank yimmy my fish wont fit in a small reef tank .this a 300 gal sinse this photo was taken i have added a 12 inch surgeon fish .i keep some accual (small)reef species others are more surrounding reef species


Active Member
Yeah you could have a grouper in there though....I like reef tanks, I just think unless you have all small fish their interesting, with me the big turn down was how much the lights cost. I'm starting up a 24gallon reef I think


Active Member
i agree the lights are killers and getting a good water flow for the corals in this huge tank isnt easy either.I have 3 400 w mh and 4 110 VHO i dont run them all at the same time of course its a total of 1640 w a bit much for a softy tank lol.but i normaly run 2 vho and 2 mh at one time then alternate the center mh and the 4 vhos at other hrs then down to just vho.and for night time i have a 24 inch 18 watt blue strip light in the center for late nite viewing.


Active Member
I like corals but I like fish better. I didn't get into the hobby because I was like look at that xenia. I got into it when I say a bunch of fish schooling. I think reef tanks are awesome because it seems more like a ocean than a fish tank, more natural. Just good like keeping a huma huma away from inverts


i never had a reef tank but i never really liked them i like aggressive fish just more fun and more enjoyable imo


Originally Posted by Drewsta
why not have both??

Who was this directed towards? In the initial post it says I have both. I only enjoyed spending time with the aggressive tank.


Originally Posted by boalgf
My girlfriend was over yesterday and she, of course, loves the reef much more than the other tank. She came storming upstairs asking what i'd done with sharkbait (my perc clownfish). He's gone... Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I saw him at feeding. He could have been dead for god knows how long. I bought him from a guy who had him 3 years and I had him a few more, so it might have just been his time.
News Flash!!! I found sharkbait yesterday in the overflow of the tank, still alive after all this time even without feedings. He is skinny as a dime, but otherwise unhurt. Good thing he didn't find his way to the main tank again or he would have been eel food. He is in my 125 FOWLR tank now getting nursed back to good health. I'll try and get a pic of the skinny little guy.


Originally Posted by connor
OMG are you seriuos i LOVE my reef before i had FO agressive it was cool but my reef blows it away maybe you guys never got good corals and nice fish

Do you have any pictures? I'd love to see it. I just have a 75 gallon saltwater.
I don't want to do reef as I'm scared of starting with corals. I finally got the
tank the way I want it and totally stable. I love my fish. I've seen the nano
reefs that are kind of cool but that's awfully small.


Active Member
Not much of a reef guy myself, the FOWLRs seem to be less work and more personality although they are less of a challenge.