Lost all my fish to ich


New Member
OK.... my 75 gal got ich after I added a powder blue tang. The only other fish I had was a clown and a cleaner goby who both became infected. I purchased kick-ich and about half way through the medication cycle all my fish were dead. Now, all I have left is LR, coral banded shrimp, and hermit crabs. What should I do before adding fish? I heard that ich can't live at 84 degrees, so should I get the temp to 84, leave it there for a while, get all levels back to normal, and try adding a fish. Or, should I scrap everything and start over?


Active Member
Read Beth's post at the top of this forum. Lots of misconceptions about ich 84 degrees is one of them. Sorry about your loss.
IMO you need to set up a quarantine tank (QT) and leave your display tank (DT) fishless for 6 weeks. Any fish you add can possibly come down with ich b/c it's in your tank.


New Member
I appreciate the input, the only thing is..... I don't know that I have anything to put in the QT since I currently have no fish.


Active Member
Best thing you can do now is wait 6 to 8 weeks, IMO. Breaking the life cycle of ich in a fishless tank. It cannot live without a fish host and waiting it out IMO is best. 8 weeks IMO would be ideal but they say 6 weeks can do it, to me 2 more weeks for peace of mind is worth it.


Since no fish are left in your tank, leave it that way for 6 weeks. The Ick will die once there is no host, and they need fish to survive. Don't raise your temp. The higher the temp, the less oxygen stays in your water. No need to stress your inverts trying to kill something that will die on its own anyway.
I would suggest doing at least a 30% water change. If you can set aside some money, try to set yourself up a small QT. It does not have to be anything spectacular. A 10 gallon tank with a biowheel can sometimes be enough. That way, when you get new fish you can use that tank to put them thru hypo. It is a very safe and effective treatment for fish and will help insure you never get Ick back into your show tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goldy222
I appreciate the input, the only thing is..... I don't know that I have anything to put in the QT since I currently have no fish.

Perfect time to set one up. It needs to cycle which in a small tank usually takes a little longer than 4 weeks anyhow so it will be perfect.


New Member
great info, I can wait 8 weeks. I'm assuming I Should run my filter and protein skimmer during this 8 week waiting period? protein skimmer was off and filters out during the medication period. What about water changes?


Active Member
Originally Posted by goldy222
I heard that ich can't live at 84 degrees, so should I get the temp to 84, leave it there for a while, get all levels back to normal, and try adding a fish. Or, should I scrap everything and start over?

marine ich can survive at 84, freshwater cannot. two totally different bugs.


Active Member
Run your tank as you would normally... water changes, skimmer etc... even ghost feed it a few times a week to keep your nitrifing bacteria alive and your inverts happy... With out fish there is no poo, no poo means starving bacteria.


As stated, run your tank without fish for at least six weeks. Use this time to set up and cycle a quarantine tank. QT everything going into your display. Ich is not brought on, it is introduced. QT your fish and any new rock or corals etc. Your display should be a sterile environment. Don't let it get contaminated