Lost Eel!!!!!


My eel was in the tank this morning, and just thirty minutes ago I looked for him and he VANISHED! HE IS GONE! I searched under all of the rocks, all behind the plants, in every nook and cranny surrounding the tank, and I even shifted through the sand! Help!! I'm TERRIFIED!


Active Member
They will find even the smallest escape route and get out of a tank. I had one who escaped 3 times, the third time i didn't get to it in time


Yes. I read a story online of a woman buying a snowflake for her daughter and finding it in white chunks the next morning, flowing out of her filter. I checked inside of mine and there are white chunks of something....but I don't know if it could possibly be eel or just some other sort of build up that I haven't noticed until today. I spent the whole night searching, and he's gone.
I'm afraid that if he is in the tank somewhere that my ammonia levels are going to spike and then it'll put my baby porcupine puffer, Lucifer, in a horrible position. I think I'm going to do an immediate water change just in case....