LOST entire tank

i had a tank established for about 10 months...90 gallons......2 clowns (really small) yellow, and hippo tang, and small porc puffer.........yesterday the hose from canister fileter fell out landed on floor 45 gallons of water on the ground and soaking everything......... so i got the 5 gal bucket and got to work.....4 hours later, i made sure temp was same and ph 8.3 and 1.023.............this morning everything was dead!!!!
amonia at .5, did this kill em or....(i added de chlorinator) not enough? help me plz
Ammonia killed the fish without a doubt ... .5 Ammonia ? Geesh. I thought my ammonia was high at a little under .25 right now ... Also, the tang in a 90? Thats a no no.


Active Member
One tang in a 90 is fine, 2 tangs in a 90 is pushing it. However, the .5 ammonia is probably the culprit with a 95% certainty. Though I do wonder about the water you added to the tank after 45 gallons leaked out. The main reason we don't do large (no more than 25-30%) water changes is due to a chance of introducing a large volume of water with a low amount of oxygen in to a body of water with enough oxygen to sustain the inhabitants in that amount of water as long as it is maintained. When oxygen poor water is added it spreads the existing oxygen molecules into a larger area which makes it harder for a fish to gather oxygen and breath. It would be like taking a human from 1000 feet sea level and immediately rising them to 12000 feet sea level. I'm not positive, but that would be a theory to look at.


Active Member
Was the water aged that you used? My guess would be twofold, the large water change caused a spike that killed the fish, basically a mini cycle, this could be the cause, or if you didn't age the water (who has 45gal of saltwater ready to go?) it could be the newly mixed water, as the salt is just not all the way dissolved if it is not aged for long enough. These are just two theories, not sure, Sure does stink though, sorry.


New Member

Originally posted by Aaron Childs
Ammonia killed the fish without a doubt ... .5 Ammonia ? Geesh. I thought my ammonia was high at a little under .25 right now ... Also, the tang in a 90? Thats a no no.

How big of a tank does a blue tang requrie
from rick the man


Active Member
Most of the larger tangs require a minimum of 100gal.
Also, don't listen to Clint he is full of....., naw just kidding, I have actually not heard that paticular theory so I didn't want to comment on it. I areate my makekup water with a large powerhead so I would thing the Oxygen level would be just fine even with a large water change.


Active Member

Originally posted by Birdy
I areate my makekup water with a large powerhead so I would thing the Oxygen level would be just fine even with a large water change.

AaaHa!!!!!!!!! But earlier you said, "who has 45gal of saltwater ready to go?" So if it was a quick mix and fill, then it could be an issue. RIGHT??? I'm waiting momma, say it, I'm right. :D


Active Member
lol- I "suppose" your theory could be correct, perhaps the more knowlegeable water guru's around here would pipe in (not that you are not knowledgable Clint
) anyway, a large water change with freshly made up water is just bad new all around.
Clint- what are you doing at the zoo now, I thought you quit a while back.


Active Member
YEah, I decided I wanted to go back. I'm the Hoofstock Foreman, and this past week I got put on the reptile house too. It's pretty cool. Here in about a week I'll be posting videos of our sedistic Diamondbacks eating on my website if anyone is interested. Anyway, I just couldn't stand not being around my animals that I bottle raised last year so I decided to go back until I could find a better job.