lost fish in tank


New Member
hi frist time hear new tank up for a weak with life rock 50gal tank well had 4starter fish 2blue damsles 2 black stiped damsles well one blue one did not look good the next day i cant find it if i dont well this hurt the tank .


un fortuantly (for the fish) im assuming you are using the fish to cycle. if that is the case it probably perished due to the levels of ammonia in an uncycled tank. not finding the body at this point wont hurt you tank it will just create more ammonia to kick start the cycle. you may see more deaths due to this as well. you may not as they are hardy fish that you bought.
IMO return any living fish and scold the LFS that sold them to you 2 reasons to return
1. fish at best will be damaged by the toxic ammonia in an uncycled tank.
2. damsels get ugly and mean and make it difficult to add more fish in the future.
leave the dead body in the tank and let the tank cycle (read up on the nitrogen cycle here on this site.) make sure tank is fully cycled before adding anything further. then add slowly
Sorry to be so sour on your first post. Welcome to the hobby and SWF.com there both great. come here and check all advice of a LFS before doing anything to your tank and you will love this hobby. some LFS are great and some just to make a sale. based on the fact they sold you fish to start off a tank i would go with the latter on you LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by briand
hi frist time hear new tank up for a weak with life rock 50gal tank well had 4starter fish 2blue damsles 2 black stiped damsles well one blue one did not look good the next day i cant find it if i dont well this hurt the tank .
Welcome to saltwaterfish.com's forum!!!!!
You should start reading on how to cycle a tank!!! Some may make it through the cycling process, some may not. You shouldn't use live stocks to cycle a tank, should of cycled it with a piece of raw shrimp. My partner use those cooked cocktail shrimp once and I took'em out, he didn't know what he was doing....lol.....Start reading!!!! :happyfish


it's probably dead somewhere behind the rock. If you have a cleaner crew like crabs and brittle stars they will take care of it for you, if not you may want to take a little time to look around behind the rock and get it out. If you don't have a cleaner crew you need to start one. Get cheap stuff like astrea snails, blue leg hermits stuff like that and maybe some of the nicer snails like mexican turbo emerald crabs etc.