Lost it????


Was reading a thread from a person that had won a ton of salt. Saying enought to last for a couple of years. I'm assuming they were at a fish show or something to that effect. In Washington state? They had the initials, if I can remember right of MABNA???For the life of me I have been looking for the thread so I could see if they had replied to me. I can't find it
I was asking what they stood for. Can anybody help me?

Guess I'll write things down next time. I just wonder round and around, just love to read all that anyone has to say about their fish or tanks


I just need to pay attention. Thanks to anyboby that looked. I found it myself...I figure this all out...maybe before I die. HA

sinner's girl

you can subcribe to threads. and you'll get an email when someone replies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by marsilly

"Luck we we won" not look but luck is how it is spelled.