Yesterday I checked my levels and amonia was up, fisrt time i've seen that. I removed the piece of lettuce that was in the for 3 days. Amonia was at 0.5 So I performed a water change. So everything was going fine last night went fish world went to bed. This morning my sailfin took its last dive when i walked by my tank. all the other fish were hidding in the corner. So we did emergency water change(@8:30) and then checked levels amonia was at 1 and Nitrites .5 Nitrates at 20 ph at 7.6. I added Amolock 2(@9:00) to the tank and Seachem marine buffer. 10 o'clock fish start to come out from corner a bit. Breathing heavilly. time goes by I just took readings at 3 and Amonia is at .5 Nitrites .25 and Nitrates 10. Now still hidding in the corner a bit and looks like they are coming to the top for air. The tank now has a a faint white film on the inside of it.
I dont want to loose any more fishy's could someone help me.
Oh my Hippo has white patches on each side of his mouth just above the corners. looks like lose of color. Also treating for ick with Cupamine on my Hippo
I dont want to loose any more fishy's could someone help me.
Oh my Hippo has white patches on each side of his mouth just above the corners. looks like lose of color. Also treating for ick with Cupamine on my Hippo