lost one


New Member
I lost a clownfish can i buy a new one and add to the tank even though i have one still in the tank ? thanks


if its the same species... and not the same size(bigger or smaller) im pretty sure you can
... wait is it a maroon clown?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mst9742004
I lost a clownfish can i buy a new one and add to the tank even though i have one still in the tank ? thanks
what was the cause of death? it coulda been a disease and it could just kill the new one you put in there. also, if you are certain that it wasnt a disease or something like that, then i would wait a week before you get a new one just to observe your other fish. patience is a virtue in this hobby. once your past your one week period and all possible problems have been eliminated then you can go get a new fish
3 requirements:
1) it has to be the same species as the clown you already have
2) it has to be a baby like think small and then get something smaller
3) if your new clown doesnt get along with your other clown then you have to be able to bring it back to the fish store


Active Member
if they don't get along, capture the older clown and seperate it from your tank for a couple days, say in a QT. Then, put it back in. Luckily my older one just readily accepted the younger one.


always go smaller if adding to a established tank. once a clown is by itself or has been with another in the tank the one have may have already started to change to female if you add another if its larger it may already be a female also and will cause fights.