Lost Season Finale!


Great show, been watching from day 1.
But, (you knew there would have to be one) The plot thickens and very little gets resolved.GRRRR!
I mean come on writers, throw us a bone! They did this to us last season too.
This is one of the best shows on network but I'm getting a little impatient.

I have never watched a show I was so hooked on that frustrated me so much! But at the same time I love it.
If they kill off one more of my favorite characters I'll throw a shoe right through the TV.
DAMN THAT MICHEAL! He killed off Libby, she was just yummy and we never got her full story.
I really want to know what the unseen creature is, who's running the show on the island, why are they there, why can't they get off the island, and on and on and on.....
Yeah, I know its just a show, but I guess I'm hooked. Damn writers.
Whoo, I feel better.


never seen the show.. but judging by the fact that I see most of the cast out clubbin' EVERY dam night, i bet they end up killing a bunch of the cast off, due to jail time.
the local paper tally's up there tickets/infractions every time they run out of headline news.