Lost Shrimp


I have/had a camel back shrimp in my 10 gallon tank, and he is MISSING:scared: The only other creatures in the tank are:
2 scarlet hermits
1 blue legged hermit
a few nassarius snails
2 hitchiker snails (unknown), one may be an emerald?
And of course live rock, and a sand bed.
I have carefully moved the rock, checked the filters and looked everywhere!
Do these shrimp hid inside the rock where I cannot see it? Or did the crabs have him for dinner?


Active Member
prop. just in the rock. Dont take the tank apart and look for them when they go missing. Mine will hid for days and not see them but they are in there somewhere.


Thanks for the tip! I didn't think there were too many places to hide in a 10 gallon!!!! I won't look for it again, hope he just shows up one day!


Active Member
I only have 2 small cucks of liverock in my tank a few years ago and had a royal gramma and searched the pieces very well and checked everywhere and the next day i saw him.. ( this was a 2'' royal gramma)