lost some fish!!


New Member
I just lost 3 fish, I just got some ph stabil. put it in the tank 3 hr. the fish are dead anyboby have any thoughts?


New Member
Its a 50 gal tank, 20 p of lr. 3 inch live sand. under water filter 2 whisper 2barrel filters with carbon. 2 power heads. normal light.
water ph-76. alkal 1.5 nitrate 10 nitrite 0
i use ro water.
the ph dropped so i bought some seachem marine buffer and it said to add 1 tsp for every 20 gal everyday until ph is to 8.3 so i added 1.5 tsp . and i lost almost all of my fish. i still have grupper and some crabs and snails.


New Member
did your ph stabalize? I had that problem (similar at least) A while back when i had my old 40 gallon. I guess if your ph stays higher, and I mean stays there you shouldn't have that problem.
now for my dumb question, i had a strong metal stand with my old setup, but i got this beautiful wood stand with cabinets now with my 66 gallon. Will it hold my new aquarium?
what kind of stand do you have?


New Member
yes, the stand will hold hopefully its an oak stand they are really strong. I have an oak stand and its is with my tank and rock and all the stuff weights about 2100 pounds. i went to some web site it asks for all your stuff and tells you what it weights. serch for it