lots of calcium-help


hey all
noticed a problem with reef checked calcium and it was 750+ checked my fish only and 55g holding tank with same results and i have never added calcium to these 2 tanks i took sample water to my lfs and he got same results on his test i do mix my salt with r/o water ive been using coralife premuim salt.that i think i will trash but my q is how should i get the calcium down and has any one else had this problem with the salt and what is everybody using for there salt...........rob


Hey Robster!
Bummer on the calcium level! I have to add calcium and and Kalkwasser to keep mine up. I use the 200 gallon bucket of 'Instant Ocean'- you know the one with cool little fish on the bucket.
Anyway, canopy is all set and functioning - The MH - still bumps the heat up several degrees when eveything is running. Did you get my email with my phone #?
p.s. Have you been to that pet place next to West Town Cinemas in Waukesha? That store MUST be the best place in S.E. Wisconsin to buy coral and fish! Incredible! + they had a 2 for 1 deal on all soft and hard corals. avg price is around $29.


Test your alk, then if low (it will be) buffer the tank. The CA should fall out of solution. once your alk is right the CA should be close too.

nm reef

Active Member
Was going to suggest the same as Luke...my understanding is alk out of whack can cause calcium to be out also..........try a good buffer...I've been using seachem marine buffer to get mine lined out.........wonder how calcium got so high though....can't answer that....maybe one of the long timers can help on that 1.......


hey all
my alk test shows 300ppm i always thought this was fairly close to what it should be.correct me if im wrong-the test kit is a quiwk dip test.....rob


hey all
i have looked into this futher and of course coralife said it could not be thier salt but he said they could not explain why my 55g tank with only thier salt mix init was 750++ calcium reading and they want thier salt back for testing.....but any way i called leroy at garf.and he said the proper way to bring the tank back to the proper readings is to do what he calls 10 for 5 ten gallons a day for 5 days he said if i try to percipitate the calcium out of the water i could have a white muddy mess in the tank not that thier was any thing wrong with anbodys responses my level is just to high to do that...........rob