Lots of tiny serpent stars?



Something weird lives in my chaeto and macro algae.
Every week when I do a water change, I also rinse/swish around my macro algae in a backet of salt water that I just took out from the tank. This weekend after I shook the algae around, on the bottom of the bucket were like 5 or 6 very tiny things, that looked like serpent stars? What were they? Usually I just get pods coming out of the algae, this is the first time I saw these things.


Active Member
Throw them into the display. Or like Ren said, send them to ME, I also have a nice home for them.


But where did they come from? I've had the same macro algae for 6+ months and this is the first time I've seen them.
most liklty they were so small and are only getting to the size for you to see
i have tons in my tank and rocks,i see the little legs sticking out everywhere when i feed


Active Member
they could have come from your DT, got thrown down the overflow, into the fuge, and boom, micro stars in the fuge. also, i'm not sure, but if i sent you chaeto i have some in the fuge...


Well-Known Member
+1 they could have come from your DT, got thrown down the overflow, into the fuge, and boom, micro stars in the fuge.
They are great to have. They live in the rocks and keep the tank clean of uneaten food.


Well, they wouldn't survive for long in my DT with the triggers and queen angel but I guess they found a good home in the fuge. I have LR in there and macro algae.
renogaw, yep I bought some chaeto from you but that was for my 65gal tank. Still have it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Well, they wouldn't survive for long in my DT with the triggers and queen angel but I guess they found a good home in the fuge. I have LR in there and macro algae.
renogaw, yep I bought some chaeto from you but that was for my 65gal tank. Still have it.
they may have come with the chaeto then as well, but taken a while to flourish. or was that a different tank that you havent shared the chaeto in?


I think I may have used some of that chaeto in this tank as well. It's good stuff, I've got so many pods in there. Sometimes when I clean the chaeto, they jump out at me. Kinda creepy the little bugs.