lots of zoanthids FL (can ship also)


Active Member
I will be doing some some aquascaping this weekend so that means I will be fragging many of my zoas. (too many kinds/colors to list-just do a search for my posts and you'll see lots of my zoa pics) anyone interested in working out some trades can email me at
theabels@knology.net I will try to get some new pics up asap.


Active Member
hey there sent an e-mail, also looked at a post you posted a while ago and wanted to see if those were getting fragged or if u are tradeign them? Well let me know. Also what are you looking to get as far as a trade?


Active Member
thanks guys
I will get my list & pics as soon as I can .I'm picking up several rare zoa rocks tomorrow that one of my buddys had ordered for me so I gotta make room- should get it done this weekend.


I see you live in St. Pete. Have you been to Marine Warehouse in Tampa? We are in Bonita Springs, about 2 hours south. If you have been there, is it worth the trip?


Active Member
Originally Posted by PhoenixFla
I see you live in St. Pete. Have you been to Marine Warehouse in Tampa? We are in Bonita Springs, about 2 hours south. If you have been there, is it worth the trip?
not JUST for that store its not. ok place but its hit and miss.
but just down the road is fish and otehr ichthy stuff which is a great place. small but top notch coral. if your into sps its the place to be


WOW! its amazing the beauty of these creatures. i sit here by the hour and just go ga ga over them. lol im relativly new to this hobby and at times my eyes get all teary from the amazing colors and formations . WOW. would love to get a few from you when their ready. love the greens blues and oranges. SMILE

my way

Active Member
Oceana, I've tried twice to email you and I get a message that it has been"delayed", did you get them? I'm thinking you did'nt as I have'nt heard back from you, is this the only e-mail address you have?


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Oceana, I've tried twice to email you and I get a message that it has been"delayed", did you get them? I'm thinking you did'nt as I have'nt heard back from you, is this the only e-mail address you have?
the address is correct. i had many emails so far. i Have another email but its not appropriate for this forum. i'm also on -- you can PM me there if you like same user name