Loud gulping


My overflow box is making a loud gulping noise. I used to use some blue filter pad to stop the noise and it worked. Now I have a debris sock at the end of my drain lines. Any way I can reduce the noise?


Extend the line going into the sump so it sets deeper in the water? That took care of my noise.
Standpipes work well too.


Same thing happened to me when I first started my tank. It sounded kind of like a toilet flushing every few minutes. This has a name, and is a real common problem, but I can't remember right now what it's caleld.
My remedy was to drill one or two small holes at the top of the overflow line, above the water line. This will allow air into the line itself and allow a nice, consistent flow of water instead of bubbles going "glug, glug" every few seconds.
Trust me, this works!